Thursday, June 19, 2008

where it's at


we've started the travel blog. i'm not entirely sure why it's in a different place, but i guess it's in keeping with the whole idea of the road trip, which involves a certain amount of fresh-start-ish-ness.

so anyway, the blog can be found here.

we hope you'll tune in there, since it'll actually get updated pretty often if all goes according to plan.

unfortunately the many tunes that are in various stages of recordedness will probably not get finished and posted soon. if they do, or if we have occasion to put something new up on this blog, we'll certainly mention it on the new one. so what i'm saying is, if you're only going to read one blog, make the switch to the new one. i'll type out the link too for those who like copying and pasting:

the first post is already up there.

oh and one other thing: we sort of placed kind of well, which is to say not at the very top but also not at the bottom, of a songwriting contest! the song was "chemistry" and the contest was called the singer-songwriter awards. it's based in london. we were not finalists, who are the top four, but rather runners-up, which means we were somewhere in the next ten or fifteen. i'm not sure how many people enter but i think it's pretty popular.

so clearly we are now going to be internationally famous. we even got this cool certificate!

it only exists on the internet, but i guess we can print it out if we want....

anyway, this is so obviously earth-shattering, and we knew you'd all want to bask in our reflected glory. so go ahead and do that.

but seriously folks.... hope y'all are taking it easy in the meantime. please keep in touch - we might not always be able to respond right away, but we love hearing from you.