Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Wanna Piece of Date Bread

The band has some dates, and my are they tasty:

January the 18th
February the 15th
March the 14th (birthday of my beloved mother - hope she's okay with that)
April the 11th
May the 9th

If the roadtrip doesn't happen for some reason, we'll continue to play the second Friday forever after.

All these shows are at the Neutral Ground Coffeehouse in New Orleans (5110 Danneel Street) and they all start at 8 and are free.

Rocky has been escaping. I've spent most of my time with him today either scolding him, chasing him, watching him suspiciously, or building barriers against him. Plus at least a few minutes trying to think of a new nickname for him. Houdini is the only escape artist I can think of, and it doesn't mix with Rocky very well. All I get is "Houdinky."

But he's doing it because he likes to explore. It's not about being bad, at least based on how happy he is to see me when I catch him. Maybe Amerigo Vespocky? Rockgellan? Columbocky? Leave a comment on this pressing topic please.

Seriously, I'm worried about this exploratory streak. Abbie thinks he's squeezing through a tiny hole in the fence. I'm not sure that's possible and think he's leaping the fence on his newly-re-empowered legs. She thinks I'm crazy. Either way, it's bad. I'm not sure we can fix the fence without involving our landlady, who is not explicitly anti-animal but who will not be thrilled about the idea of spending money to fix his fence. And we have been putting off telling her about him since it's such a temporary arrangement (he's only been with us for two weeks, which is just plain nuts). And if I'm right and he's just jumping it... well, that's pretty nuts and unsafe, too.

Either way, it seems likely that we'll have to return him to the wonderful people at SAF sooner than we had thought.

So, again, I beg you to help us get him adopted. Surely someone knows someone who needs a wonderful, sweet, housebroken puppy who's pretty well-trained if I do say so. Drop us a line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's put flyers up at the Pog Dark. Also, I love Craigslist. We could put a photo ad in Gambit, too -- I'll pay. You should announce at your next show. Can we put flyers up at the Neutral Ground? Let's get him a t-shirt or sign that says "ADOPT ME" for when you run with him. We could put signs on all the poles Uptown that say he's up for adoption. Put them under windshield wipers at the Pog Dark and PetCo, too. Flyers at Canine Connection, vet offices, .... I did the Pog Dark and Uptown flyers when I found a dog once and someone saw one in a coffee shop and adopted him. Let me help. With the wonderful photos y'all have taken, we could make a great flyer. -Sis