Saturday, January 26, 2008

their names are called; they raise a Paw

Dear Fellow Mammals,

I'm going to share this link to Postsecret, even though probably most of you already know all about it... and even though it's one of the most popular blogs on the internet and certainly doesn't need lil' ol' me to link to it.

But for anyone who's not familiar, it's most definitely worth checking out. There's a new set of images every Sunday, so that's cool. And it's a community art project, so that's cool.

Now I'd like to share this little anecdote about our home life. My dear sweet Abbie, who is very dear and sweet, has a very funny habit of referring to me as "we" whenever she makes a request or gives a command. Let me give some examples:

Abbie: Do you think we should walk Rocky?
Translation: Please walk Rocky right now.

Abbie: We should probably call so-and-so to make some plans for this weekend.
Translation: You forgot to call so-and-so and you'd better do it right now.

And now, one of my favorite examples of all time as well as one of the most elaborate, this just happened two seconds ago. Abbie is in bed, about two steps away from the alarm clock but also nice and cozy and warm under the comforter. I am in the other room, typing the first part of this blog post.

Abbie: Sam, would you please help me remember that the alarm clock is still set, and we should turn it off before we go to sleep?
Translation: Come in here and turn the alarm off now, before you forget, because there's no way I'm getting out of this bed.

I hope all of "we" have a good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you're through with the alarm, we could use a glass of water.